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Wrist & Forearm Supports

GPC Medical Limited manufactures the most technically engineered wrist & elbow supports that give a comfortable feeling to the wrist and forearm support. The wrist splint with thumb is designed to support, protect and immobilize the injured part partially to give it the perfect support needed while still allowing free and natural movements of the fingers. It relieves of pain by compressing it in the desired way and making an extra grip without pressurizing it.

To make sure that the patient is not uncomfortable while wearing the wrist & elbow brace; it is made with high modulus of elasticity, is porous, and retains the size and the shape for a long time.

The wrist & elbow supports manufactured by GPC include wrist binder, elastic elbow support, tennis elbow protector, elastic cock up splint, thumb spica splint, carpel tunnel splint, elastic wrist brace, dynamic cock up splint, and forearm splint.